Severn News

Five Reasons to Check out Our Libraries This Year

On both Chesapeake and Teel Campuses, our libraries are a hub for everything from on and offline research to meeting with friends and reading for fun. Our librarians collaborate with teachers to create dynamic learning experiences for our students. And they teach us how to find, understand and evaluate the ocean of information we have at our fingertips. Each year they add new programs and resources to build a community that loves to read and loves to learn, together. Here are five reasons to stop by and check ‘em out.

#1. Reading on the Go: Ebooks and Audiobooks

Our new Playaway collection on Chesapeake Campus is stocked with all required reading for 4th and 5th graders along with popular favorites. Students can listen while they read to improve comprehension and reading fluency. These preloaded audiobook players are also a great way for families to read and listen together. No wifi or streaming connection needed!

The Teel Campus Zimmerman Library has thousands of ebooks searchable in the online catalog including everything from the latest YA novels to nonfiction and reference books for research. If you need it, they most likely have it. Any librarian can help you download and read these books on your iPad or other devices.

Severn School librarian helps a student with ebooks.

#2. At Your Service: Personal Librarians for 9th Graders

Starting this year, all freshmen will have an assigned librarian for research and citation help throughout their time in Upper School. Students who may be reluctant to ask for help will have a home base in the library as they develop a one-on-one relationship with a librarian.
Severn School librarian helps a student

#3. Middle School Book Clubs

Do you know a middle schooler who loves to read? Our monthly 6th, 7th and 8th-grade book clubs give students a chance to engage with others as readers and develop a closer reading community. They often read books that they wouldn’t pick up on their own, which sometimes leads them to love a whole new genre and other times confirms that they don’t really enjoy certain kinds of books. And that’s great! It’s all a process of knowing who you are as a reader. Ms. Etchison will announce the first book club meetings in the next few weeks.

#4. Upcoming Bookish Events

  • The Chesapeake Campus library will host our annual Scholastic Book Fair this November. Students and their families can stock up on everything from board books for our littlest readers to chapter books for middle school students. Proceeds benefit the library collection.
  • Battle of the Books. 5th through 8th-grade students compete with others in Anne Arundel County, D.C., and Baltimore in this annual reading competition. Ms. Etchison and Ms. Okeson will announce the first meetings after winter break to prepare for the spring competition.
  • Field trips to the public library for 3rd and 6th graders. In the spring, our librarians accompany all 3rd and 6th-grade classes to the Anne Arundel County Public Library to get library cards and learn about the many free resources available.
  • Author visit with Steve Sheinken in April. Award-winning author Steve Sheinkin will visit both campuses this spring to share his story with Lower, Middle and Upper School students. Sheinkin is known for writing fast-paced, cinematic nonfiction books about historical events for young readers.

#5. Our Incredible Librarians

Our libraries are centers of activity because Ms. Carrington, Ms. Etchison, Ms. Okeson, and Ms. Michel make it their mission to know and value our students. They are committed to providing a diverse collection of literature and resources to nurture the intellectual curiosity of our community. They love what they do and it shows. 
“I find escape in books. I read the Harry Potter series in my early 20s and that was one of the most fun experiences of my life. That’s what got me interested in children’s literature — I know the value of losing yourself in a story or topic. I love helping my students find their escape, whether through a sports book,  a science fiction book, or whatever they are into.” — Lower School Librarian Ms. Pilar Okeson
Severn School librarian helps a student
“My favorite part of being a librarian is talking with the kids, so starting as an 8th-grade co-advisor and 9th-grade personal librarian will be fun additions to my role this year. I’m also looking forward to helping plan our author visit in the spring, trips to the public library, and more escape rooms. It’s shaping up to be a great year!” — Teel Campus Library Associate Ms. Diana Michel
Severn School librarian helps a student

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