Severn News

A Space and Place for Every Admiral

Did you know that gifts to Severn School help us meet our most critical needs? Most recently, gifts to the annual fund supported extensive faculty training and technology in the classroom for hybrid learning. That’s why each fall we ask for your support. This year, as with so much else, we’re doing things a little differently. Responding to your feedback and the evolving needs of our community, the annual fund is now the Admiral Fund — a family of six different funds. You can now direct your annual gift to the area of Severn School most meaningful to you and your Admiral.

Gifts to the Admiral Fund, large and small, make enhanced resources and programs possible. When you make your gift to the Admiral Fund you can dedicate your gift to the fine and performing arts, athletics, financial assistance for families in need, technology for hybrid learning, and more. To acknowledge the various interests of our donors, you can now choose to direct your Admiral Fund gift to one of the six funds most meaningful to you:
  • Area of Greatest Need: Includes critical areas of the School’s operating budget, including technology in the classrooms and professional development, and directly benefits our faculty, programs, and resources.
  • Athletics: Gifts support Severn Athletics, including equipment, supplies, coaches, and training that highlight the importance of integrity, sportsmanship and personal excellence in a competitive environment.
  • Community Service: Through our community service program, we hope to instill in each of our students the lasting desire to serve others. Gifts support our service learning and community service initiatives.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Gifts support the ongoing work of ensuring that Severn is an inclusive community where each person is welcomed and affirmed. This includes resources for the libraries and curriculum, training for faculty and staff, financial aid, additional DEI staff, and community programming.
  • Financial Assistance: Gifts support our commitment to enroll a talented, motivated and diverse student population, providing financial awards to deserving students who otherwise would not be able to attend due to financial reasons.
  • Fine Arts: Gifts support our programs in visual and performing arts, providing our faculty and students the range of opportunities that allows every talent to find a place for expression including sculpture, photography, theater, film, dance, chorus, band, orchestra, and more.

We are grateful for all of the ways you choose to support Severn School each and every day. Together, we are rising to the challenges of our changing world and growing stronger through every step. Thank you.


Lower School

Upper School