Severn News

Alumni Snapshots: Q&A with Eric Hadhazy ’00

Alumni Director Carrie MacVean Grimes ’91 had a great time catching up over coffee this spring in Palo Alto, California with Eric Hadhazy ’00. Eric is the Director for Critical Care Quality and Strategic Initiatives at Stanford Health Care in Palo Alto. He is also a certified search and rescue volunteer and provided critical support earlier this year in response to the recent devastating wildfires in Northern California.
When did Severn feel like home to you? My junior year at Severn our group of friends became really defined. We’ve stayed amazingly close. I realized that year that these were my lifelong friends. I know I’m lucky in that way.
Is there a particular place on Severn’s campus that evokes powerful memories for you? The field. The shared learning that took place there at practice and games – that’s where we evolved from boys into young men. Not getting the chance to start in a game – you realized you were not the best at everything, and that you just might not be as talented as others. Learning these lessons playing varsity sports has really helped me in life.
Who was an adult mentor you looked up to at Severn? Bryan Johnson. He was the most single influential teacher I ever had. He was interim wrestling coach, and he was my English teacher. He was a jock, but an intellectual – a class act all around. I wrote my application essay for college about him.
What might you find in a Severn Upper School time capsule from your senior year at Severn?
Golden Eye (video game), our golf clubs, and Dave Matthews music. He was our soundtrack throughout high school.
What are three phrases you'd use to describe Severn School? Empowering, Inclusive, Lifelong friendships.

Lower School

Upper School