
Severn Lower School Celebrates Grandfriends Day

On Friday, April 7, the Lower School celebrated Grandfriends Day.
Grandparents and other special friends of all Severn students were invited to come to school for a morning assembly, classroom visits and tours.

The event kicked off with an assembly where invited guests were treated to a variety of musical performances, as students from each grade – preschool through fifth grade – took to the stage. The Lower School band and strings ensemble also performed short pieces for the standing-room-only crowd.

Following the assembly, grandfriends joined students in their classrooms, where they worked together on puzzles, math problems, and other fun activities. Students also walked their guests around the school, showing them where they have specials, recess and lunch.

Grandfriends Day is a favorite event for Severn School and we thank all those who took time to join us. To see photos from the event, click here.

Lower School

Upper School