
REMOTE: US Senior Parent Letting Go Gathering

Zoom meeting
*Zoom link can be found in the associated Binnacle post

Senior parents are invited to join Upper School Counselors, Sam Straub and Lilly Kane, for a conversation entitled “Letting Go.”  Historically, this conversation has focused on common family issues during the exciting—and sometimes nostalgic time of transition from high school.  This year, seniors and their families have an added layer of complexity to this transition, given all of the upheavals of the past couple months and all of the unknowns in the future.  Thus, we have also invited David Brunk and Kim Coughlin, our college counselors, to be a part of this year’s conversation. 
To the extent Zoom will allow it, format for the event will be interactive.   Please come to listen, learn, laugh, share, or ask questions.   

Lower School

Upper School