Event Detail

FCD 2019 Mandatory Freshmen-Parent FCD Forum

Price Auditorium
This is a mandatory event for all freshman students and at least one parent.
During the weeks of February 4th and February 11th, Severn will once again bring representatives from the non-profit group Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) to speak with Upper School students. FCD is one of the nation’s leading school-based substance abuse prevention organizations. US students will have the opportunity to meet with FCD speakers in grade-level assemblies and small group discussions. FCD Prevention Specialists will work intensely with students in the freshman and junior classes. Sophomore and seniors will have grade level assemblies, and 8th graders will also receive two grade-level sessions. Severn is looking forward to the education FCD will provide for our community during the upcoming visit. Further, substance abuse prevention must be an ongoing effort in which adults at home and at school model responsible behaviors and engage in meaningful conversations about the topic. 
Format for the evening: At 7 pm, parents will gather in Price Auditorium for opening remarks from members of Severn’s administration and FCD Prevention Specialist, Glenn Hall, while students gather in small groups with upperclassmen facilitators. At 7:30, parents will join students the small groups in classrooms in Creeden Hall for dialogue around substance use and prevention. At 8:30, parents will return to Price for a wrap up led by Glenn Hall while students debrief with facilitators. At 8:45, students join parents in Price for closing remarks. Students and adults will be in mixed groups, kids and adults from the same family will not be a group with each other. These conversations promise to open communication, address questions, and provide a common ground for all Severn families in our shared mission to keep our children safe. Questions: Contact Upper School Counselor, Ms. Sam Straub at s.straub@severnschool.com x2242.

Freshman parents, kindly register below for this event so we know you are aware of the date.

Lower School

Upper School