Event Detail

Early School Mini Matisse Workshop

Chesapeake Campus
Mini Matisse
Join us for one or both of our Mini Matisse workshops, designed to inspire creativity and a love of reading and art.  Guided by our Lower School Media Specialist and Lower School Art Teacher, parents and children will enjoy a story from a popular early childhood author and explore the illustrations found in the literature.  Tying picture books and the visual arts together, each child will leave with his/her own masterpiece inspired by the story.
Friday, November 4
Tuesday, February 14
If you have friends, neighbors, or family members who may be interested in attending with their children, please encourage them to register! Younger siblings of current students are welcome, too. Registration is limited to 15 children (ages 2½ to 5) who are not currently enrolled at Severn. REGISTER NOW

Lower School

Upper School