Event Detail

MS Play (6th/7th Grade)

Price Auditorium
Join us for the 6th and 7th grade Fall production of 10 Ways to Survive Life in a Quarantine. This play is a hilarious throw-back to those early pandemic days when we were all struggling to find ways to keep ourselves occupied. You’ll learn handy solutions for entertaining yourself, from putting on a musical with your dog, to becoming an announcer for a made-up sport, to falling in love with an inanimate object (Hey, we promised handy solutions - we never said they wouldn't be strange!) Whether or not you're inspired to take up origami or squirrel observation, this play is sure to bring a laugh to anyone who has had to entertain themselves during a quarantine!

This FREE performance will take place on Wednesday, October 27th at 7:00pm in Price Auditorium. Masks will be required for all audience members. 

Lower School

Upper School